Documentation for classes includes syntax, usage information, and code samples for methods, properties, and event handlers and listeners for those APIs that belong to a specific class in ActionScript. The classes are listed alphabetically. If you are not sure to which class a certain method or property belongs, you can look it up in the Index.

 AfterCreateEvent This event is dispatched when an instance of RxModel has been created successfully.
 AfterDestroyEvent This event is dispatched when an instance of RxModel has been destroyed successfully.
 AfterSaveEvent This event is dispatched when an instance of RxModel has been created successfully.
 AfterUpdateEvent This event is dispatched when an instance of RxModel has been updated successfully.
 AIRServiceProvider AIR Service Provider implementation.
org.restfulx.serializers Serialises RxModel instances to AMF and back.
 AMFServiceErrors AMFServiceProvider specific IServiceErrors implementation.
 AMFServiceProvider AMF (over HTTP) based Service Provider
 AS3GAEHTTPServiceProvider AS3 HTTP Client based GAE XML-over-HTTP service provider.
 AS3JSONHTTPServiceProvider AS3 HTTP Client based JSON-over-HTTP service provider.
 AS3XMLHTTPServiceProvider AS3 HTTP Client based XML-over-HTTP service provider.
org.restfulx.controllers Custom AIR controller that allows performing arbitrary operations (as opposed to CRUD on models) against local SQLite database.
org.restfulx.controllers Custom HTTP controller that allows sending arbitrary data (as opposed to models) over HTTP faking PUT and DELETE.
org.restfulx.utils BinaryAttachments work much the same way RxFileReferences do, except they allow you to attach arbitrary binary data to models instead of files.
org.restfulx.controllers In-memory model data store.
 CacheUpdateEvent This event is dispatched Rx Models cache gets updated and can be used to selectively refresh data providers, etc.
org.restfulx.controllers If Synchronization is enabled, Change controller can be hooked up to Rx.changes to perform synchronization between 2 different service providers.
 ChangeResponder This responder hanldes synchronization responses from the destination service provider and syncs successful operations back to source service provider and/or reports relevant errors
 CommandExecutionEvent Generic execution event (used by commands).
org.restfulx.controllers Manages registered commands (classes that implement org.restfulx.controllers.ICommand).
org.restfulx.commands Manages restfulx command related event registration.
org.restfulx.serializers Serialises RxModel instances to JSON and back according to CouchDB conventions.
 DirectCouchDBHTTPServiceProvider Direct CouchDB Service Provider.
 GAEHTTPServiceProvider HTTPService based GAE XML-over-HTTP service provider.
org.restfulx.serializers Serialises RxModel instances to XML and back.
org.restfulx.serializers GenericSerializer groups together a few handy functions that are common, useful to all serializers.
 GenericServiceErrors Basic IServiceErrors implementation that effectively has oerrors.
org.restfulx.commands As per the command design pattern, commands are expected to implement a simple interface with execute() function defined.
 IFunctionalResponder If a responder delegates final response processing to an arbitrary function, this interface allows us to get access to that handler function.
org.restfulx.utils AS3 CakePHP inflector implementation.
org.restfulx.serializers Serves as a contract between various serializers and the rest of the framework.
 IServiceErrors Must be implemented by specific Service providers to return UI consumable errors.
 IServiceProvider This interface represents the core contract between service providers (such as HTTP, AIR, etc) and the rest of the framework.
 ISyncingServiceProvider This interface identifies Service Providers that are capable of tracking synchronization related metadata.
 IVersioningServiceProvider This interface adds versioning to the contract between service providers (such as HTTP, AIR, etc) and the rest of the framework.
 JSONHTTPServiceProvider JSON-over-HTTP service provider based on Flex HTTPService.
org.restfulx.serializers Serialises RxModel instances to JSON and back.
 JSONServiceErrors JSON-based Service Provider specific IServiceErrors implementation.
 MockAIRServiceProvider Adds testing specific methods to AIRServiceProvider.
org.restfulx.controllers.mock This class allows re-routing of AuxHTTPController send method to the specified Rx.httpControllerHandler function.
 MockDirectCouchDBHTTPServiceProvider Adds testing specific methods to DirectCouchDBHTTPServiceProvider.
 MockJSONHTTPServiceProvider Adds testing specific methods to JSONHTTPServiceProvider.
 MockXMLHTTPServiceProvider Testing specific XMLHTTPServiceProvider.
org.restfulx.controllers Provides high level CRUD functionality.
org.restfulx.utils All runtime metadata used by the framework about application models is stored in this class.
org.restfulx.utils This class performs custom multi-part request construction for binary attachments.
 PullEndEvent This event is dispatched when pull synchronization has been finished
 PullStartEvent This event is dispatched when pull synchronization has been finished
 PushEndEvent This event is dispatched when push synchronization has been finished
 PushErrorEvent This event is dispatched when there's an error during push synchronization process
 PushItemEvent This event is dispatched when an RxModel instance is about to be synchronized
 PushStartEvent This event is dispatched when push synchronization is about to begin
org.restfulx Provides central access to a number of frequently used subsystems, configuration options and helpers.
org.restfulx.controllers This is the primary extension point for Flex/AIR applications based on the framework.
org.restfulx.components.rx This class adds integrated search capability to your Flex/AIR applications.
 RxAutoCompleteItemEvent Dispatched by RxAutoComplete component
org.restfulx.collections Adds a few handy general purpose methods to mx.collections.ArrayCollection.
org.restfulx.utils Allows Flash file references to be attached to models.
org.restfulx.models Encapsulates properties common to all model objects and wraps around a few Rx.models.methods to shorten access.
org.restfulx.models Allows tree representation (parent->children) relationship between instances of the same model type.
org.restfulx.utils Various Utilities.
org.restfulx.controllers Provides centralized access to comonly used serializers.
org.restfulx.controllers This controller adds support for receiving messages from servers capable of pushing messages, e.g.
 ServerPushEvent This event is dispatched when a new message has been pushed from the server
 ServiceCallStartEvent This event is dispatched when service provider call is about to be made.
 ServiceCallStopEvent This event is dispatched when the responser from the service provider has been received.
 ServiceErrorEvent This event is dispatched when the service provider received an error.
org.restfulx.utils Provides access to ServiceProvider validation errors
org.restfulx.validators Flex Validator that can be used to display errors that are stored in IServiceErrors format.
 ServiceResponder Central response manager for RESTful CRUD operations.
org.restfulx.controllers Provides centralized access to currently available services.
org.restfulx.utils An array of items where we know what type of models it contains.
org.restfulx.controllers Adds undo redo support to the application.
 UndoRedoResponder Undo/Redo responder wraps around another Functional responder (typically ServiceResponder) and allows us to attach a different handler function to the responder than was originally provided.
org.restfulx.utils This class implements a binary version of UUIDs as specified in the RFC.
org.restfulx.serializers Serializes RxModel instances to Value Objects and back.
 XMLHTTPServiceProvider XML-over-HTTP service provider based on Flex HTTPService.
org.restfulx.serializers Serialises RxModel instances to XML and back.
 XMLServiceErrors XMLHTTPServiceProvider specific IServiceErrors implementation.
org.restfulx Provides central access to useful extras that cannot be linked into Rx, such as AIR-only RestfulX features.