Classpublic class XRx

Provides central access to useful extras that cannot be linked into Rx, such as AIR-only RestfulX features.

Public Methods
 MethodDefined by
air(optsOrOnResult:Object = null, onFault:Function = null, dbFile:File = null):AuxAIRController
[static] Handy shortcut for non-standard-CRUD AIR operations.
Method detail
public static function air(optsOrOnResult:Object = null, onFault:Function = null, dbFile:File = null):AuxAIRController

Handy shortcut for non-standard-CRUD AIR operations. Works much like Rx.http but is designed to work with local SQLite DB instead.

optsOrOnResult:Object (default = null) — can be either an anonymous object of options or a result handler function.
onFault:Function (default = null) — function to call if there was an error or if unmarshalling fails
dbFile:File (default = null) — to use (defaults to Rx.airDatabaseName)

AuxAIRController — AuxAIRController instance

See also

Find all objects with a more elaborate conditions structure
      XRx.air(onResult).findAll(SimpleProperty, ["name LIKE :name AND available = true", {":name": "%2%"}]);